the glissis tired in williamsburg

stand clear
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l o s   g l i s s a n d i n o s kai fagaschinski (berlin) | clarinet
klaus filip (vienna) | sine waves

the glissis (how close friends are allowed to call them) got their own super-cute website - check it!

k. f. and k. f. began their intensive collaboration early in 2004 when kai had the opportunity to stay in vienna for a while.
kai plays his clarinet with an approach of sound and noise phenomena while klaus uses a laptop with material based on sine waves, which he can organise and manipulate in various ways.
the conjoined sound of the clarinet and sine waves result in a rich spectrum of difference tones and beat frequencies, which is a basic focus of the duo besides of a wide range of dynamics and pitches. the duo sound includes very transparent and quiet noise sections, droning clusters, beauteous harmonic chords and massive vibrating tone walls ... and near by no glissandi.
their debut album stand clear (recorded in 2004, released in 2005 on creative sources) was highly acclaimed by critics and listeners. the cd is now sold out.
the duo became klaus' and kai's most active and challenging live-band. they performed in austria, belgium, canada, denmark, england, france, germany, japan, korea, the netherlands, poland, slovenia, spain, switzerland and u.s.a. including concerts at konfrontationen (nickelsdorf 2004), musikprotokoll (graz 2005), tonart (bern 2005), nits d aielo i art (aielo de malferit 2006), erstquake (new york 2006), renaissance society (chicago 2006), musee d art moderne et contemporain (strasbourg 2007), music lovers' field companion (newcastle 2007), gateway to oblivion (montreal 2007), and ftarri festival (kyoto & tokyo 2008).

the collaborational quintet los glissandinos meets amm plus burkhard stangl (with eddie prevost/ percussion, john tilbury/ piano, and burkhard stangl/ acoustic guitar, amplifier & vibraphone) has been premiered at the interface festival in berlin on september 27, 2007. as it has been a pleasureful experience, the group likes to continue its work and looks out for playing further concerts.
the 2nd meeting of the quintet will happen at the musikprotokoll in graz on october 11th, 2008.

these days the glissis are working on their 2nd album entitled it sounds better than it is.