k'n'b live at ausland, 2004 (foto by m. liebig)

going round in serpentines
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k a i  f a g a s c h i n s k i  &  b e r n h a r d  g a l kai fagaschinski (berlin) | clarinet
bernhard gal (vienna/berlin) | computer (fieldrecordings, clarinet samples)

the duo project of kai fagaschinski and bernhard gal combines the sonic characteristics of fagaschinski's idiosyncratic clarinet playing with gal's digitally modified phonographies. bernhard’s re-contexturalized field recordings open up new acoustic spaces, while kai sculpts air with his clarinet in various ways, creating an ambivalent musical situation between concrete and abstract listening. based on clarinet samples, they also build up microtonal clusters with drone-like qualities.
during a focused rehearsal period in winter 03/04, fagaschinski and gal developed open compositions where preconceived musical structures are combined with the specific energy of improvisation. the findings of this conclave have been released by charhizma in december 2005 on their debut-cd going round in serpentines.

between october 2005 and june 2006 bernhard and kai worked on a new radio play-like piece entitled zwischen den seen (engl.: between the lakes). the starting point are binaural recordings done in and around buckow, a little town in berlin-brandenburg. these recordings are excerpted, layered and arranged forming a new time structure. sounds gets slightly manipulated by bernhard and „commented on” by kai‘s clarinet playing. both musicians also appear as (german) speaking actors thoughout the recordings. the piece is additionally accentuated by some sort of film music, involving an acoustic guitar, mostly played by bernhard. a little story unfolds about the quest for a beautiful lake - an acoustical road movie between well-groomed ennui and provincial action.